
Dave Doremus
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 19:20:36 -0600

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>At 3:43 PM -0600 12/18/00, Lance Lafargue wrote:
>I have gotten some light grey mildew off by just wiping with a dry 
>cloth, other heavy black or green may be tougher.  I have used 
>methanol on a cloth before, the Methanol also helps the bushings. 
>You should need to ease all bushings, balance rail holes, etc 
>because of the humidity anyway.  Good luck with it. 

Id like to agree with Lance that drying the room and piano is 
critical, but I think bleach is better than alcohol, and will not 
damage wood. I have wiped down plates and cases with a solution of 
clorox and water with great results. A little vinegar in the rinse 
helps with the smell. You need to kill the mold before it can damage 
the cloth or wood finish so act fast and then make sure the 
instrument gets dry air and/or light, both enemies of the evil stuff.
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