Research:leather covered hammers

Dave Doremus
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 21:16:15 -0600

Hi Diane, I have to disagree with Jon, hide glue holds very well to 
leather, either side, as long as theres no artificially finished 
surface on the skin side, even if there is a little scuff will take 
care of it.

>  I have tried several different kinds of leather from that tannery 
>so far and so far the deerskin has been the best, but it's very 
>mellow.  Perhaps if I can get some of the leather made by Herzog, 
>the folks at the tannery would know what it is.

Id describe what you need as thin, nonstretchy, and strong. Soft, 
without a layered feel like some deerskin. Experimenting is the best 
way to find what you like. I would keep track of thickness as 
accurately as possible, as that has a big effect on the sound. If you 
glue one end and let sit before pulling the other over as tightly as 
possible and gluing, I've used clothespins as clamps with some 
success, you wont have any loose leather. You can voice by ironing, 
although if you harden leather too much it'll just ping.  My 
experience has been with fortepiano hammers made of leather layers 
and sometimes one felt. Ive only done a little covering of felt with 
leather like the 19th C squares and Viennese actions and for that Ive 
used the deerskin left over from other hammers. I dont know if I have 
a sample to share that would be of any use, do you have any nearby 
fortepiano people to ask? Sorry to be so slow following up, I only 
get a chance to wade through the mail evry few days....

Dave Doremus RPT
New Orleans

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