Danger technical content!!

Wed, 20 Dec 2000 22:23:52 EST

Kevin wrote;
 <<"Where do you buy
one of these wonder thingees.???">>
 Well I got mine from Grizzly Industrial. It cost 29.95 plus shipping of 5.95
 for a total of 35.90. The thing weighs a heck of a lot and the maching is 
not all that fine but it works well and performs all that I want it to.

 The throw is only 3 inches so I don't think that it would work for 
backchecks although it would for pressing capstans in new keysticks or when 
the capstans have been relocated. I don't think that Del meant if you were 
just replacing capstans in the same hole you could press them in...but I 
could be wrong...Del?
Jim Bryant (FL)

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