
Lance Lafargue
Thu, 21 Dec 2000 08:34:57 -0600

> Well alcohol contains quite a lot of water by volume. Did it hurt the
>centers? Air will clean all the 'fuzzy' off mold/mildew but it won't remove
>the spores which cause the mold/mildew.
I should have said Methanol.  1%-ish water?  I've been told Everclear (a
drinkable form of alcohol) works well with no toxic fumes.  Because of the
time of year, I'm trying egg nogg in an action.  Merry Christmas Jim, et al.
Lance Lafargue, RPT
Mandeville, LA
New Orleans Chapter, PTG

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 9:14 PM
Subject: Re: RE: Mildew

Lance wrote;
<<"I assumed that anything with water or other stuff that didn't flash off
would swell action centers and create work, so I used the alcohol.  A strong
air blast does wonders!">>
 Well alcohol contains quite a lot of water by volume. Did it hurt the
centers? Air will clean all the 'fuzzy' off mold/mildew but it won't remove
the spores which cause the mold/mildew.

 <<"What's in X-14?  Will it kill me or small pets?">>
I don't know but I have used it for years and never had it affect me, any
actions or small pets for that matter. Of course I 'do' occasionally lose my
trai......."chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your
nose although it's been said many times, many ways"...Merry Christmas to
y'all!! :-)
Jim Bryant (FL)

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