Hammer Boring Problem

John Ross piano.tech@ns.sympatico.ca
Mon, 25 Dec 2000 14:14:07 -0400

Hi List,
I have a problem. The hammers I am installing, were supposed to
have a length of bore, that tapered from #54 to #88. They were
supposed to be about 1/4" less at #88.
I am supposed to have the action back to the customer on the
28th. Dec. I never thought on checking the hammers, when they
arrived from the supplier, since I have never had a problem before.
I should have followed Newton's suggestion, and supplied the
I do not have a jig. Is it possible for me to make something, that
would allow me to do a passable job? I have a drill press, and a 
travelling vice.
Any suggestions, would be appreciated.
The 1/4" discrepancy is just too much.
John M. Ross,
Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada.

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