When to do it

kam544@flash.net kam544@flash.net
Mon, 25 Dec 2000 17:14:17 -0600

>... BTW, I too notice lots of
>lost motion movement in  Yamaha uprights. I was a bit suprised to see
>one of our Australian friends (Ron OVers?) citing the U1 as being
>especially stable in that regard....
>Patrick Draine

Patrick, List,

Same experience as yours, Patrick.  I service numerous U1s' in a university
environment, as well as some churches regularly, and usually have adjusted
lost motion ever visit (2x per year minumum).  This has been going on for
many years.

Finally got this great idea that serves the same purpose in 15 seconds or
less each visit.  One season I install a piece of leather under the hammer
rest rail stops when the jacks don't return under the hammer butts, then
the next season, when there is excess lost motion, I remove it.

I do realize there are exceptions to applying this method at face value,
but for the most part, it works quite well in the areas under my

Keith McGavern aka McTechtrick
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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