Merry Christmas..was not again

Robert Moffatt
Wed, 27 Dec 2000 14:42:38 -0700

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>  Here Mr. Bremmer continues his 'personal' attack even while he =
'claims' to=20
> "ignore" the reason for it.
> Still not satisfied Mr. Bremmer continued:
> <<"Sorry to bring this up on Christmas Eve, folks, but some people's =
> chosen=20
> words are not easily forgotten.  The news of Victor Borge's passing =
is, of=20
> course, sad but it is in the general media.">>

Merry Christmas all,

I had the extreme pleasure, and honour to work with Mr. Borge many =
He was a true gentleman, a fine pianist, and never left an audience with =
a huge smile, and aching sides.=20
As for the "general media", my family had the very sad task of placing =
mothers obituary in the " general media" today. She passed away =
Eve. I have an autographed picture of Victor Borge.. to my mother. It =
will be
at the viewing, as she was a great fan.
Count your blessings Ola, and others. Life has a way of kicking you =
where it
really hurts....when you least expect it....making one wonder why one =
that all of this bickering, means anything at all.

Bob Moffatt
Calgary, Alberta

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