Prepping new pianos

Kristinn Leifsson
Fri, 29 Dec 2000 02:30:42 +0000

Hi Rob,

let me first say that I like your information on Corfam/Eczaine replacement 
(available at his web site).  Thanks.

You say teflon powder on knuckles.

Iīve tried teflon spray and the jack/knuckle started squeaking 
awfully.  Iīve tried it many times.  Then I finally stopped trying that and 
switched over to Protek, which works fine.
Protek has also cleared any squeaking in the guides, but I havenīt had 
trouble with Samicks in such a way that they were hampering the dampers, 
except in one case where I just reamed the guide.

Also, a question;

Is there anything bad that can happen if you use Protek on the same surface 
as you used teflon on before?

Best regards,


>Regarding lubrication: I tend to use teflon powder on knuckles and
>teflon spray on anything else, as I have been somewhat
>disappointed with Pro-Tek in the past. I will be setting up a C-153
>at the beginning of next week and I'll try Pro-Tek on the damper
>Again, thanks, and I'll let you know what happens. It would be nice
>to set up a checklist for specific preparation of problematic pianos.
>I'll see what I can come up with.
>Rob Kiddell RPT
>Atonal Piano Service

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