When to do it

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Fri, 29 Dec 2000 03:03:55 +0100

Ron Nossaman wrote:

> >I wouldnt mind seeing some kind of documention that any particular piano make
> >suffers from  this problem more then another before I buy without further
> aduie
> >that Yamahas are most susceptable.
> >--
> >Richard Brekne
> Wim, Richard,
> Instead of expending the time and energy debating which is worse, and
> speculating on the cause, why not invest it in verifying how the problem
> occurs, then using that knowledge to more accurately evaluate any piano you
> like by a more dependable set of criteria? I'd much rather see someone
> putting together a universally useful tool, than an arbitrary list. The
> list would be helpful after the fact, as a cross check and validation of
> the evaluation criteria, but is of no practical use by itself.
> Just a thought,
> Ron N

And a very fine thought it is Ron.... Whatd'ya say Wim... and others... ???
perhaps we can find some method of anylysing this problem, finding out the main
causes and actually contribute something really usefull in the process ?? I
suppose we'd have to start off dropping any preconceptions and try our hand at
some objective observation ...

Sounds like fun to me. We'd need to decide what things to keep an eye on.. to
measure.. ... I like it... :)

btw Ron... didnt mean to sound argumentative... its just that I have 5 Petrof
uprights (biggies) at the UiB, and 2 Yamahas.. a U1 and a LU ..... both the
Yamahas are stabile as can be... and all the Petrofs get two capstan regulations
each year. This bears out with all my experience with the two makes through the
years. I have also noticed this problem on a couple Baldwin Hamiltons in the early
90's... but I didnt run into enough of that make those three years to feel like I
was seeing anything like a tendency.

Good suggestion tho. :)

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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