moisture in wool or wood. was Re: When to do it

Thu, 28 Dec 2000 23:15:07 EST

Wim wrote:
<<"Is it the wood around the bushings that swell to tighten the center, 
or is it the wool that expands that causes the problem?">>

 In my opinion it is the swelling of the wood which causes the 'tight' center 
and not any swelling of the felt.
  In response to my own question I have laid out on a grid..actually the Ola 
Rotary cutter board :-)... several different thicknesses and widths and types 
of felt. I measured, cut,  and placed them on exact lines. I have soaked them 
so that they are moist but not wringing wet. I am going to leave them there 
overnight to allow any "swelling" to happen and measure them again in the 
morning.....I'll letcha know.
Jim Bryant (FL)

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