Belated thanks

Phil Bondi
Fri, 29 Dec 2000 06:38:41 -0500

Hi all.

After I sent my "Snappy Baldwin Tuning Pins" post to the list, my 'puter
caught a 'cold'..not a virus..what's the difference?..well, a virus is
usually the end of ones Hard my case, I lost nothing. There were
Registry problems that seemed to suddenly pop up on my after I moved the
computer to my new home...wierd, but all is better now.

It was in the shop for a couple of days and I just got it back yesterday.

anyway, I just wanted to say thanks to all who responded..I was practicing
my 'snappy pin' technique yesterday on a new "R".

..the learning never stops..


ps - for those who keep track of this stuff, here's my new info:

Phil Bondi/Bondi's Piano Service
24600 S. Tamiami Trail
Unit 212-204
Bonita Springs, FL 34134


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