Question about ear plugs...

Susan Kline
Fri, 29 Dec 2000 10:45:28 -0800

At 11:36 AM 12/29/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! Susan, can you still hear a car horn easily????????? I
>don't want to sound like your mother, BUT I should think it dangerous to
>wear earplugs while driving. Kinda like putting headphones on. Sorry for
>sounding like your mother. :-)  Only meant as constructive input!
>Terry Farrell
>Piano Tuning & Service
>Tampa, Florida

These are the fitted plugs, which only take 15 dB off. All it does is dull
the roar of tires against road a little bit. Still perfectly easy to hear
anything one needs to hear. If someone were sitting next to you in the car,
you could easily carry on a conversation without raising your voices.


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