
Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Fri, 29 Dec 2000 23:20:41 -0600

>Hi ed,
>I'm just curious, if you get a reaction like that to your "modified" tuning, 
>why not tune ALL your customer's pianos like that? Also, can I program this 
>tuning into my SAT II? Thanks!
>Terry Peterson

Ah, the cusp!
I'm obviously not Ed (beard's not quite that long or gray, and I'm taller
and dumber looking), but I'm here and typing, so I'll take a chance. I'd
say the thing is that the "allthingsforallpeople" temperament is still
under construction and consideration.  Ed (by a combination of
precognition, experience, shrewd character analysis,  and bombastic
conviction) happened to key the right combination into the right customer
receptors to get the optimal (tip) results. This is a great thing, when it
works. The problem is that the medication requirements are customer
specific, and there is no "one size fits all". You probably had to have
been there.

Ron N

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