Portable Table

Dan Hallett Jr. dhalle@toolcity.net
Sun, 31 Dec 2000 05:00:22 -0500

Bob, is your portable table handmade or was it purchased? If purchased,
would you say where?


Dan Hallett

>transporting grand actions

Hi, Mark. I, too, have sought easier ways to move grand actions. One
tool I've successfully used for a few years is just a regular hand
truck. It's great for big actions, e.g., the S&S D at the Tucson
Convention Center, which is a few hundred feet and some stairs away from
my car, at best. I don't need anything else really. Actions seem to
balance pretty well on my handtruck. The other tool is my portable
table. I wheel it out of my shop to my station wagon, ease the action
onto it, and reverse the operation when I return the action. Sometimes I
can use the table in the field, roll it right up to the piano and slide
the action onto it. It has been a great back saver.

Happy New Year, everyone.

Bob Anderson
Tucson, Az

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