stringing supplies

Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Mon, 7 Feb 2000 09:11:15 EST

In a message dated 2/6/00 10:17:37 PM !!!First Boot!!!, writes:

<< Hi all,
 Could I get some tips/advice on what I should have in the way of a good 
basic variety of piano wire? I have not yet replaced any strings, but I would 
like to be prepared to replace/splice any broken or missing strings I may 
encounter. Also, I am told I will need something called a "micrometer", to 
measure the string gauges. How many types of wire should I carry, or is there 
a "universal" type I can use for basic replacement? Thanks.

>From any of the supply houses can be bought 1/3 lb. of 1/2 lb. coils of wire. 
If you are going to be in the tuning business, servicing customers in their 
homes, it would be advisable to get a complete set of these coils from size 
12.5 to 21 or even 22. Also from the supply houses, you can buy a set of 
universal bass strings, Although not for a permanent replacement on good 
quality pianos, they are great for an emergency situation, or for low end 

A micrometer is a measuring tool to measure the thickness of piano wire. This 
measurement, which will show up in thousands of an inch, needs to be 
transposed to a piano wire size. The formula is complicated, and I am sure 
someone will tell it to you. But I just copied the wire thickness, and the 
equivalent wire size on a piece of paper, which I keep in my micrometer box. 


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