Wapin Bridge

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Mon, 14 Feb 2000 23:39:58 -0600

>I like your idea of alternating two unison 'sets' for a demonstration that
>could give a true and real-time comparison.

At least both systems would be on the same soundboard and rim assembly.

>The hammers could be a bit tricky.  How would it be to get a set of Renner
>Blues or some such high end hammer and just stick 'em on, no voicing
>allowed.  Let the cards fall where they may.  Or maybe there's another
>hammer that comes out of the box with more consistency?  

It seems to me that most any decent set of hammers is pretty consistent
from hammer to hammer within the set already. Most of the major voicing I
have done seems to be trying to blend sections together to overcome
soundboard design and scaling problems. Touch up field voicing is on worn
hammers, and I confess I normally don't spend time trying to level unisons
when a hammer brushing and a couple of quick passes with light needling
will make the pianist happy, so the symptoms I'm masking with voicing in
these situations may not be a hammer problem at all. Since I've been
building better designed boards, I find I have very little voicing to do
when I take the time to properly level unisons. I think hammers right out
of the box would be a fair comparison, with no attempt to even smooth the
scale breaks. The strings should be carefully leveled and such, but the
hammers shouldn't be modified.

>I know I'd like to see it!  The Wapin system may be a wonderful thing.  I
>just need to see more than a graph on a piece of paper to convince me.
>Brian Trout

Me too, and me too.

Ron N

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