Speling corections

Brian Holden bholden@wave.co.nz
Sat, 19 Feb 2000 08:35:06 +1300

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I can't hold back any longer.  We all got stuck into poor Robin for his =
mis-use of "orally" and I'm sure he will toss and turn in his sleep for =
many nights to come.  However, I see where two of his critics used =
"hear" and "here" in the wrong context.  One person quoted "here here" =
instead of "hear hear", and another quoted "we need him hear, instead of =
"we need him here".  I think it's time to affect our proffessional =
skills by spending less time on our computors, getting off our buts and =
do a tunning or too - definAtely!

Brian Holden :-)

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