Power screwdriver adapter for combination handle tools?

Brenda Mamer mamer@dwave.net
Sat, 19 Feb 2000 14:28:46 -0800

It took a lot of asking around, getting 'stupid lady' looks... but I finally
found one at a local hardware store.  It has a hex end which fits into my
cordless screwdriver, and the other end looks like a standard drill chuck,
which will grab regulating bits. It is by the company Jacobs, and is called
'multi-craft'.  I think it costs about $14US.  Threw the package away but
that's what it says on the chuck.  Jim Bryant told me it existed so I kept
searching.  Thanks again Jim ; }
                                                    Brenda Mamer, RPT
J Patrick Draine wrote:

> Dear List:
> Somebody sells an adapter so that tools for the standard piano technicians'
> combination tool handle will fit the hex shaft of a power screwdriver. I
> recall that Jim Harvey spoke & wrote about making one himself, but I seem
> to recall a semirecent advertisement for this adapter.
> Anybody out there have the details (price, name, address)?
> TIA,
> Patrick Draine
> PS This relates to the tendonitis thread, as well as the upright hammer
> flange screws I'm removing this morning.

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