
CA-Dan pianotech@iwon.com
Sat, 15 Jul 2000 13:57:29 -0400 (EDT)

Hi. gang! Re: 7/13 requests for more info on the following:
1. Recently came across two wonderful grand pianos with the name
"Schultz & Sons" on the fallboard and cast into the plate. After
doing some research I found out that they were built in the Kawai
grand factory in Japan, but with altered Kawai/Diapason scales and
Renner parts! They are powerful but very warm sounding pianos and
they seem to have two serial numbers, one apparently assigned by
Kawai which corresponds to Kawai #'s and the other which must have
been assigned by Schultz & Sons. Now I have two questions: a) Is
Schultz & Sons in any way related to the old "Schultz" name that
appears on some of the older Grotrian/Steinways(Steinwegs)?     b)
Does anyone know how I can contact Schultz & Sons? Many thanks for
your response.

CA-Dan < pianotech@iwon.com

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