New Tools

Newton Hunt
Mon, 17 Jul 2000 12:41:35 -0400

I have been intending to write this for some time now so
here it is.

There is a guy, Ray Vale, in San Antonio, who makes some
very nice tools.  He makes a set of hammer filing tools that
use strips of sand paper with a very low friction tape
backing that work with a set of three Guides.

I first used them to straighten up the strike point of an
S&S D someone had filed all wrong and I was having trouble
getting straight because all my sight references had been
destroyed.  So I took out Ray's tools and they worked
beautifully and I was able to restore the proper tone to the
piano without destroying the hammers.  They will need to be
repalced in the future but these tools help me out of a bad

Since I have used them on other situations and find that I
can file hammers straight and evenly using the three
different curves on the inside of the tools.

They have sides that come down over the shoulders that
orient the tool properly to get an optimum strike point.

They take practice to use but I don't think I will be
without them on any job now.

He also makes a voicing support tool that ideally supports
one hammer for voicing.  I haven't used it yet but it
appears to solve the problem of good support.

I can recommend the filing tools without reservation even
though they are a bit expensive because they are all hand

Ray Vale can be reached at the above address.


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