Earthquake damage, was Re: National holiday non booty earthquake rain day

Ron Nossaman
Sun, 18 Jun 2000 11:11:21 -0500

>I would likely point out that if the crack is new, it would show fairly clean 
>wood inside the crack.  If the crack is older, it would either be dirty, or 
>darker then a freshly exposed surface.
>Gordon Large, RPT

Ok, so how do you 1: see down into a crack well enough to ascertain whether
or not the sides are clean, 2: determine whether what you're seeing is
indeed darker than a freshly exposed surface unless you have a freshly
broken piece of the same material for comparison (there's considerable
color variation among spruce planking used in soundboards), especially down
in a narrow crack, 3: explain how jostling the piano around could crack the
board in the first place so you can realistically claim that to be the
cause of what you think may be a fresh crack.

#3 is the one I'm questioning, since this seems to be taken automatically
on faith. 
Ron N

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