Yamaha tuning problem

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Fri, 10 Nov 2000 22:56:03 -0600

>> I tuned two Yamahas for a customer in her teaching studio.  One piano was a
>> Model U-11 Ser # T 121496 and the other a G3 Ser # 1098046.  The grand had
>> two pedals and a data plate on the inside of the case so I am assuming it
>> was mfg. in Japan.  I did not attempt to tune them together as I know the
>> scale is different and the client wasn't interested.  Both pianos had the
>> same problem.  

When I run into this sort of thing, it's probably because I haven't stretched
the previous octave enough. Going back, stretching and blending, I can usually
clean up after myself and find a minimum garbage situation that I can live
with. If not, and in the unlikely event that the customer can tell the
difference, it's time for that rescaling discussion. Following others' tunings,
I often find the low bass too sharp (at least, by my reckoning).

Ron N

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