Need disks

Ron Nossaman
Wed, 22 Nov 2000 07:01:13 -0600

>The Disklavier wagon grand operating system requires DD Floppy disks. It 
>does not read HD (high density) disks. Unfortunately only HD disks are 
>regularly available at Office Depot, K-Mart etc. DD disks are still 
>available through mail orders. I believe, Yamaha sells them too. They are 
>more expensive and possibly not available anylonger in the near future. So 
>stock up for that reason, like I did. My daughter followed my wishes and 
>gave me a box with 100 last Christmas. I can spare a few of them if badly 
>Hans Sander, RPT

The current 1.44s should format at 720k just fine. For some time, Yamaha
used high density drives with the sensor disabled so it would default to
720k. It's easy enough to try it before you despair.
Ron N

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