Decker Bros. Upright

Terry Beckingham
Mon, 09 Apr 2001 17:16:41 -0500

Thanks Greg,

I left her a note with a brief description of the problems and asked her to 
call me. Of course it will be up to her to decide the course of action.


Terry Beckingham

At 06:00 PM 4/9/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>     I've gotten myself into many a bind in situations like this one. I 
> suggest
>that you give the customer a thorough and complete evaluation of the entire
>piano and what you see that needs attention and ask her what SHE thinks should
>be done with it. True, we are the professionals, but then ... it's her 
>money! I
>like for the customer, in situations like this, to decide the course of 
>Then it doesn't as easily come back to bite your backside.

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