Future Nationals?

Tue, 17 Apr 2001 21:18:48 EDT

In a message dated 4/17/2001 8:49:53 PM, Wim wrote:

<<"We have been very international for years. I 

  know it is easy to say National, but let's all try to get with it, and call 

  them what they really are: PTG Conventions and Institutes.">>

Shame for nitpicking John you ole meaneeee! :-)
Besides you be not correct.......we, PTG, don't have an "Institute" according 
to the bylaws. We have an annual "Council Meeting" held at the same time as 
the annual "Convention". I don't know how or where the term 'Institute' came 
to being...though I have no quarrel with it.
Jim Bryant (FL)

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