S&S plate touch up & Varsol

John Musselwhite john@musselwhite.com
Mon, 02 Jul 2001 10:47:20 -0600

At 12:48 AM 7/1/01 -0500, Roger wrote:

>Hi Diane,
>                Varsol must be a Canadian type thing, for some thing you 
> guy's call some thing else.  Two great Nations separated by a common 
> language.  ( Churchill I think.)

Varsol is just a trade name for a "VARnish SOLvent". The same thing is sold 
in plastic bottles as just plain "solvent" up here too. It's just mineral 
spirits with a fancy name


John Musselwhite, RPT    -     Calgary, Alberta Canada
http://www.musselwhite.com  http://canadianpianopage.com/calgary
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