String or Hammer ?

Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Mon, 2 Jul 2001 20:20:26 EDT

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In a message dated 7/2/01 7:05:18 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> Have a older L & H  council  that the client thought 2  notes were out of 
> tune after I tuned it.   Stopped back today  and the strings 
> sounded  (tubby)---    wondering  if  there is a objective way to determine 
> if it is the string or hammer.  Pitch was on.   Strings were 
> corroded  (copper windings)   and solid were pitted and rusty.
> Any insight will be helpful.
> Thanks,

It is most likely the strings, especially if there is dirt and rust in the 
coils. One way to get a little more life out of a string like that is to 
twist it. Release the tension, take the loop off the hitch pin, turn the 
string a full twist in the direction of the coil, and attach it back on the 
hitch pin. You might have to use needle nose vice grips hold on to the string 
when it has been twisted. Tune the string back up to pitch and compare with 
the other string. If there is some improvement, do the other one. 

If those are the only two the customer is complaining about, leave well 
enough alone and don't do anything else. If the customer is complaining about 
all the bass strings being tubby, you can do the whole set. Take all of the 
strings off, (be sure to keep them in order), but before you put them back on 
the hitch pin, with a twist, shake the whole set, and even tie them in a 
loose knot, and run the knot up and down. This will take a lot of the rust 
and dirt out of the coils. 

You should warn the customer, however, that there is no guarantee that this 
will not improve the sound dramatically. Be sure they understand that if they 
are still not happy with the sound, you still need to be paid for your work. 
The only solution to guarantee a better sounding bass is to replace all the 
bass strings with new ones. 


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