Hammers clacking!

Ralph & Frances Thorn pianoralph@sympatico.ca
Tue, 03 Jul 2001 07:23:08 -0400


Haven't seen the rolling butt leather yet.  Any of my customers with
this concert instrument prefer to use it for gentle musical
applications like photo storage and perhaps Alfred's Intro to the
pieana.  Clever how the folks designed the slapper/thumper  rail to
provide two options: percussion on downbeat or on the offbeat (key
release) by merely a slight moving of the rail closer to the key

I did mean to say in the previous post 'loose letoff rail hangers' as
I saw in a grey Yamaha U1.  It was late for an old guy.
(OT: Saw your C7 keys at my friend Bruce's place)

Ralph Thorn

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