impact modifications

Tue, 3 Jul 2001 07:29:32 -0400

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I posted that there are modifications available, but it would take me =
days to find the info (haven't seen my old convention stuff since I =
moved my office). Mitch is the person to talk to - unless someone else =
attended his class and has the handout. It basically involves installing =
a golf club grip and cushion where without it, the rotating shaft grinds =
a small hole in the palm of your hand, and putting a larger weight =
closer to the center of rotation (but unfortunately I don't remember =
details of how much weight and how far from the rotation center - he =
gave specific recommendations but also said that you may want to =
experiment to find the best balance for you - the stock weight my work =
fine for someone).

Terry Farrell =20
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Dave Bunch=20
  Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 7:38 PM
  Subject: impact modifications

  Someone posted about modifications that improved the Mehaffey impact =
lever. Apparantly Mitch Kiel did a class on this but I have not heard =
from him in response to an e-mail I sent him. I imagine he is off =
somewhere, indesposed.

  If anyone has info on this, I would like to hear about it.


  Dave Bunch

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