Blast from the Past - Scary

Tue, 3 Jul 2001 08:29:07 -0400

This is fun stuff for second career folks. I just got a big scare! I like to
recycle paper in my office, so I print out my work orders on the back side
of used sheets of paper.

I printed out my few work orders today and glanced at the back sides and saw
letters to Woodward-Clyde Consultants and US Agri Chemicals Corporation for
"Employment in the Capacity of Senior Hydrogeologist/Environmental Scientist
(May 1992), with my name on it!  YIKES!!!

How horrible to be hoping to go to work for some hell-bent private
consulting firm ("don't use the real data - we want to make our client look
good!) or chemical manufacturer ("get some new samples - maybe the lab
results will be better!). And then just plain old working for someone else -
who's only mission in life is to promote greed, lies and deceiving state and
federal regulators.

Whereas I liked the science, I sure do LOVE pianos! The only reason pianos
exist is to make people happy. That is a good thing. I feel so fortunate to
be in this industry! How about that? - a positive rant! I feel better now.

Terry Farrell

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