Durable bushings (was PVC-E)

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Tue, 03 Jul 2001 12:48:23 -0500

>I change Kashmir felt from the bushings: the good quality leather choosing 
>the addequate thickness works amazing here and the result is more durable 
>than kashmir felt (bushing cloth).
>The techniques of installing the leather  are the same than the bushing 
>cloth ones, but the time to rebush all the piano is greater.
>Good luck.
>Iñaki Coello Gómez

Are you using a standard high quality buckskin, or something else? Folks
have mentioned bushing with leather, but I don't recall anyone getting real
specific on the type of leather used, and why it was chosen.

Ron N

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