Durable bushings (was PVC-E)

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Tue, 03 Jul 2001 14:34:36 -0500

>            I got some from Renner (I think) some years ago it is tanned on
>one side for lower friction, it is also consistent thickness wise. 

Would that maybe be "buffed" on one side, since the leather's tanned from
all directions at once.  

> Pricey
>as usual.   I tried making my own from tanned leather and soon found out
>that the thickness was a problem.  It works great on heavy use school
>pianos, but it is noticably noisier.  FWIW.

Ah yes. Now that you mention it, there were a few comments about the extra
noise. Thanks Roger.

Ron N

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