how long - thanks

Wed, 4 Jul 2001 10:32:08 -0400

Two things come to my mind on this. I have only been in business for three
years. My second year I tuned about 350 pianos (no store tunings). I think
much, much of that relates to your question about over-saturation of tuners.
My guess would be that many northern cities have a greater predominance of
professionals that are engaged in traditional careers (like piano tuning)
than in the sunbelt. So, I imagine that there is a higher
piano-tuner-to-piano-owner ratio in the northern cities (maybe?). But likely
the bigger factor is that the population is very transient here. I read
somewhere that the average home is owned for 5 years in Florida. In
developing my business, I did not have any need to "take customers away"
from other techs to build up my own. People are coming and going so fast
down here, and the rate of new development in my immediate area is just
absolutely unbelievable. I have heard from many techs in northern cities
that the Yellow Pages does nothing for them (I made sure that my ad is as
big as anyone else's ad -I also made mine look good and friendly - I have
had many compliments on it - don't make it look like an FBI advertisement).
Down here I likely get a good 5 to 10 appts. from the Yellow Pages per
week - and many include high-end grand piano owners - not just neglected
Betsy Ross spinets (I get those also!). So, yes, my feeling is that location
has a lot to do with it.

The other marketing thing that I have done with very good results is to make
a deal with the local music studios/retail stores. These are the ones that
have a prominent store front on a main street and rent the school band
instruments, etc. They have tons of traffic. I have oral agreements with the
two in my area. I tune their pianos quarterly for free, and they give my
name out to all piano service inquiries. I get a large response from this

Good luck. Contact me if you wish to talk any more. I'm happy to help in any
way I can.

Terry Farrell
Tampa, Florida

----- Original Message -----
From: <Tvak@AOL.COM>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2001 8:59 AM
Subject: how long - thanks

> Thanks to all for the feedback.  I will definitely back up my reminder
> with a phone call.  I'm going to look into those magnetic car-door signs
> Warren Fisher has had so much success with.  And I will try to be patient.
> No one responded to my concerns of there being an over-satuation of tuners
> the area.  I guess I shouldn't obsess over it.
> Thanks again,
> Tom Sivak
> Chicago PTG Associate

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