Appt. Danger, was Magnetic door signs

Billbrpt@AOL.COM Billbrpt@AOL.COM
Thu, 5 Jul 2001 11:29:24 EDT

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In a message dated 7/5/01 10:14:58 AM Central Daylight Time, (Farrell) writes:

> I don't mean to preach, but WHOA! Do you live in Mayberry?(snip) Sorry for 
> sounding like the proverbial
> mother, but for what it is worth, I would never, never do such a thing, and
> I think anyone else would be well advised to keep the same policy. Anything

Well, I've been in business here for 23 years and I do it all the time.  I've 
never had a problem or incident.  Many people around here leave their doors 
unlocked.  It's not uncommon at all.  I often don't lock my own.  Maybe 
that's one of the reasons why I like living here.  It's certainly not a 
backwards, lost in idyllic time as the name "Mayberry" suggests, either.  New 
York, Los Angeles, Florida?  I know them all and much more and as far as I'm 
concerned, you can have them.  You couldn't get me to live in one of those 
places for love nor money.

While I don't have those magnetic signs (I don't use advertising of any 
kind), I think they're one of the best ideas for people in this business who 
want to attract more business.  I agree with Clyde when he says he can't 
imagine anyone wanting to steal such a sign.  Why?  What would you do with it?

Bill Bremmer RPT
Madison, Wisconsin

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