
Phillip L Ford
Thu, 05 Jul 2001 19:26:25 0000


On Thu, 5 Jul 2001 09:01:49   
 Delwin D Fandrich wrote:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Phillip L Ford" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: July 04, 2001 4:40 PM
>Subject: Re: rescaling
>... I very much enjoyed reading Ron's response to my original post.  I was a
>little disappointed that I didn't get a scathing reply from Del.  That's
>part of the reason for making the post, so that there can be a discussion.
>I'm just offering a different opinion.  You don't have to agree.  I'm not
>saying that I'm right and you're wrong.  I'm just expressing some things
>I've been thinking about.
>And you'll not.
>1)    I'm busy preparing another class on the subject hoping to place one
>more burr under the collective butt of a collectively lethargic industry.
>Hopefully I'll win over one or two more. After 20 plus years of spreading
>burrs, dare I hope there is finally a bit of momentum?
I hope you'll let me attend.

>2)    There is no indication at all that the original designers of the
>pianos you're venerating held your view that they were creating works of
>art. This is a fairly recent phenomonon. Yes, they were trying to design
>better pianos, but they fully understood they were building manufactured
>3)    It wasn't until the businessmen--more recently, businesswomen--running
>these companies killed off the effectiveness of their R&D and design
>departments that the companies themselves began holding up their historical
>product as 'perfect' or as 'works of art.' This approach may make for good
>marketing, but it doesn't improve the product.
>4)    This is not the first time this discussion has come up.

Story of my life.  I always come late to the party.  I'm in the process of reading through the archives.  There's a lot of stuff there.  It may take me some time.

>5)    I've already said most of what I have to say on the subject.
>6)    Ron N and Ron O are already saying most of what I would say on the
>subject. And mostly saying it better than I would say it myself.

No kidding.  Not people to cross swords with lightly.  Were either of those guys English majors?



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