Appt. Danger (partly off topic)

Ron Nossaman
Fri, 06 Jul 2001 07:27:37 -0500

>It is with a degree of sadness that I see the way society has changed for the
>worse in some ways, although some changes have been very positive and I
>them.  But why do we assume that those who still want to trust their neighbors
>deserve to be ripped off for being so stupid?  I suspect that if I described
>society as it used to be, many would totally disbelieve me.  Why do we assume
>that there is no going back, that those who wish for a better way are ignorant
>and out of touch with the times?

Hi Clyde,
People are still basically the same people they always were. Most are
decent sorts that just want to get on with it without having to devote
their existence to defending themselves, but every population has a
percentage of people that must be defended against. I think the percentage
is fairly constant, but the density changes with time and location. One
sociopath in a town of one hundred is known by every single one of the
residents and finds it hard to get away with anything with everyone keeping
an eye on him. Even a thousand sociopaths in a city of a million means that
there are a large number of anonymous predators out there who are
unrestrained by the personal watchfulness of the smaller community, and
need to be guarded against. Society isn't to blame, it's our isolation from
society resulting from our increased numbers and tighter crowding that is
the culprit. We've bred ourselves into this position and since we can't
legislate good sense and social we are.

Got to lock up now and go to work.

Ron N

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