Damp Chaser in old upright

Tony Caught caute@optusnet.com.au
Tue, 10 Jul 2001 00:26:38 +0930

Hi Terry,

Yes, it is different, it's about the hottest place I have found in the
tropics. Do you know that we get more lightning strikes per hour (I think it
is in November) than any where else in the world ? Trivia. But the fishing
is great.
> Wow, it sure is hot in Darwin! I've spent the last half hour or so looking
> at maps, etc. about northern Australia. Pretty far out place you live in.
> Have you been there a long time? Do you get out on the ocean? I found an
> interesting site that gives all sorts of climatological data for Australia
> http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/ .

When time allows I would be glad to. I have been living in the inhospitable
place now since 1983, there is something about Darwin that you either love
or hate.

> I have enjoyed this exchange. If you care to tell me a bit of off-topic
> stuff about your neck of the woods there, send me private. I would be very
> interested. Take care.
> Terry Farrell

Tony Caught

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