EBVT Broadcast on Live Radio 7/14

John M. Formsma jformsma@dixie-net.com
Sat, 14 Jul 2001 21:56:15 -0500


<<The piano is a Kawai R-O 5'7" Grand.  ...It was tuned in the EBVT with
tempered octaves
this morning.  A custom, aural tuning, the kind I would present if I were at
the Convention was put on it.>>

<<I hope as many of you as are able will be able to find it and hear
for yourselves the difference a mild, cycle of 5ths based temperament with
octaves that use the piano's own inharmonicity to ease the harshness of the
Pythagorean Comma can make. >>

Thanks for telling us about this. I was only able to hear it from about
10:20 on, but there was an extended jazz trio (?) at about 10:30, and I
heard the piano then. It was hard for me to hear a difference with all the
rest of the stuff going on, but it sounded fine. I would have liked to have
heard a progression on thirds, and some 10ths and 17ths, because, you know,
that is the way to *really* tell if it is right. ;-)

Did you do your normal two-pass tuning, or did you spend more time on it
since it was to be on national radio?

Sure wish you had been at the convention last year so that we could have
heard your tuning "in depth."

John Formsma
Blue Mountain, MS


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