No subject

Paul Plumb
Sun, 15 Jul 2001 21:05:54 -0400


I am all of 5'3" and 135 lbs. and I only have problems with the tallest
uprights.  Then I go around to the front and lift up the keybed, balance the
tilter and then walk around to the back while still balancing the tilter and
put the tilter down using the handles.  Getting it back up I reverse it.

Paul Plumb

> In a message dated 7/14/01 4:22:11 AM Central Daylight Time,
> writes:
> > I have seen tilters in the catalogs, do they really work and are they
> > How many people does it take to tilt the piano up and back? I am 5'6 and
> > 155 lb. Judy

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