free music notation software? (don't know where else to ask)

Pianotoone@AOL.COM Pianotoone@AOL.COM
Tue, 17 Jul 2001 16:13:42 EDT

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Not Free - -

But I founda shrink wrapped version of a Finale Program on Ebay.  One 
generation removed from current version.  Only paid $100.  It does everything 
you would ever want it to do unless you are into creating your own clefs, 
notes, symbols for music that only you would understand.  Most of these 
shrink wrapped versions are registerable which means for a small fee you 
could buy the current version if you thought you needed it.  At any rate the 
small amount you would pay would be a h--l of a lot less than the $750 that 
Finale wants. 

I'm sure the same thing would apply to other notation software on Ebay (if 
you know what you wanted)

Good Luck

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