recommendations for piano buyer

Clyde Hollinger
Wed, 18 Jul 2001 17:15:34 -0400

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Remember the dad in "Cheaper by the Dozen"?  He was soooo interested in
doing things efficiently.  For those who want to increase their income,
it is something to think about and possibly act on.  If you can do just
several more tunings per week, it can make a big difference on the
bottom line.  Bill Spurlock is also into efficiency.  So am I, to a
degree.  I don't want either my work or my client relationships to


Wimblees@AOL.COM wrote:

> I am known to be a very fast worker. My employees, (when I had them)
> and
> colleagues in the business, are amazed at how much I get done in a
> day.

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