Institute Committees Attitudes (was EBVT live)

RWyatt8547@AOL.COM RWyatt8547@AOL.COM
Wed, 18 Jul 2001 21:31:14 EDT

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Dear (Sirs)
     I have worked at the convention for the past 2 years, and you do not 
know the particulars on what the Institute committee has to work with. From 
the Hotel not holding rooms available for storage, to booking other events on 
top of PTGs, dealing with unions, security people that have no idea what is 
going on, not having 2 dock doors open at the same time and they do not get 
to negotiate the contract. Before you or anyone else runs something down, 
maybe you should know the real story on what the IC has to deal with.
     The only attitudes that I have seen are open minded and willing to try 
anything that is possible to make the convention better. They start at 5:00 
AM and some of the last moves are at midnight. They volunteer to do this and 
spend countless hours 
from when the last convention ends and the next one starts. And if you don,t 
belive this, I am sure the IC would dearly love for you or anyone else to 
come and spend the day with them.
                                                          Rick Wyatt
                                                           Associate Member

Proud to be a member of PTG

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