recommendations for piano buyer

Ron Nossaman
Sat, 21 Jul 2001 21:29:02 -0500

>I would not mess with the tension resonator.  It is not designed to restore
>crown but rather to prevent the case from expanding outward thus flattening
>the board. 

NONONONONONONONONONOONONONONON0! The M&H marketing department still
advertises the tension resonator as a crown retention device, but it is
not, never was, and never will be that. Shine it up if you must, or maybe
remove it, but otherwise just leave it alone. It's probably quite happy
where it is.

> If the has split all over the place and lost its crown, it is
>probably on its own merit and should be replaced at the next stringing.

Yes, and well worth the trouble and expense.

Ron N

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