Wippen/Hammer Shank Click

David Love davidlovepianos@earthlink.net
Mon, 23 Jul 2001 15:24:20 -0700

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That's different!
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Wimblees@AOL.COM=20
  To: pianotech@ptg.org=20
  Sent: July 23, 2001 2:59 PM
  Subject: Re: Wippen/Hammer Shank Click

  In a message dated 7/23/01 4:55:18 PM Central Daylight Time,=20
  davidlovepianos@earthlink.net writes:=20

    I missed the beginning of this thread but you can always take a =
dremel and=20
    take off a bit of the inside of the tail, if you've left enough wood =
in the=20
    tailing process.  You don't need much to give clearence so that the =
    don't click on the whippen flange.  =20

    David Love=20


  It's not hammer tail hitting the wippen flange. What Terry is talking =
  is an Aeolian type wippen, that has a small metal bracket that goes =
over the=20
  top of the balancier of the wippen. It is there to prevent the top of =
  balancier to raise too much. (I don't understand why, or how it does =
  but this is supposedly why it is there.)=20


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