hanging hammers

Leslie W Bartlett lesbart1@juno.com
Mon, 23 Jul 2001 12:49:27 -0500

> why we all go to conventions; to learn how not to.
Well, I will say they need some classes at the conventions for all of us
very inexperienced , yet sincere learners,who haven't done these things
ever, can't figure it out easily, but have to "do it", like hang hammers,
or regulate (not really, of course) the old PSO's we have to keep
working, yet shouldn't be working at all.    I find so much at
conventions over my head, and far over my accumulated skills, and I think
there is need for stuff for us relatively newbies so we can simply
accomplish basic "stuff" that has to be learned,a nd we usually learn the
"hard way".

I repaired my first bass bridge this week.  Thanks to the timely insults
and advice from the ever erudite Jim Bryant, the little project was a
marvelous success.  """This ain't rocket science"- says Jim, but yes, one
can really screw some stuff up even if it never leaves the
les bartlett 
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