Steinway hammer history

Bill Ballard
Tue, 24 Jul 2001 23:37:05 -0400

At 7:57 AM -0700 7/24/01, David Love wrote:
>Newton et al:
>Whose current hammer, then, shares the most characteristics with that early
>German hammer, in your opinion?

My guess would be the Able Encore hammers. (I don't know about the 
Encore Performance hammers.) The standard Encores have a real 
richness and a good focus. They "don't do" bright well but you can 
get a real focus with them. And remember the two Stwy CDs at the  '95 
Albuquerque National, one a NY and the other a Hamburg. The former 
was big and shiny, and the latter had a rich, full-blooded sound.

That's how I imagine the vintages Stwys. And the Encores would match 
that description.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"We mustn't underestimate our power of teamwork."
     ...........Bob Davis RPT, pianotech '97

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