Put a lid on it: was Re: Chicago convention...

Wed, 25 Jul 2001 12:30:10 EDT

<< It needs to be the International 
>Convention,  to be inclusive.   This is just common sense. >>

Years ago when I was doing work study at FSU and working at the Local "Family 
YMCA" there was a brilliant heart surgeon among the "family" members. His 
name doesn't make a difference but what he said on one occasion does.
 He was elected to the Board of Directors and on assuming office at the 
"Annual  Young Mens Christian Association (YMCA) Banquet" he made the 
following, paraphrased, remarks:

 (")I am indeed honored to have been selected to a position of leadership in 
this tremendous gathering of souls and to have this association with each of 
  We must, however, stop and reflect a moment on just what and who we are. 
Though we call ourselves the "Young Mens Christian Association" we are 
neither "Young"..our average age in this room is 34. Nor are we all "Men" as 
over half of our membership is female...our wives and daughters. Nor are we 
"Christian" as I am of the Jewish faith and we have members of many faiths 
besides "Christian". We are however an "Association". As fellow members of 
the "Association" it is what we do and what we say that matters and not the 
name which only vaguely reflects the whole. (")

 His words, or the essence of them, have stayed with me through the years and 
I felt that this would be a good time to share them with y'all. PTG calls the 
once yearly convention and institute the "Annual" and that is as good as 
anything.  It matters not what we call it be it annual, national, 
international, world-wide or some other term which some will not agree with 
and feel slighted by. What matters to me, and selfishly think should matter 
to you is ""it is what we do and what we say that matters and not the name 
which only vaguely reflects the whole. (")"

 Tis my wish for y'all that this name thingee is the only disruptive thorn in 
your paw.
My view.
Jim Bryant (FL)

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