(Fwd) International Convention?

John Ross piano.tech@ns.sympatico.ca
Wed, 25 Jul 2001 17:44:47 -0300

How about a Convention, on a cruise ship?
That way the spouses could just laze around, and relax.
Mind you they can laze around now, but a cruise ship would be more
My wife, won't go to conventions with me, anymore. She says
it is no fun if there is nothing arranged, for while I am in class.
John M. Ross
Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Musselwhite" <john@musselwhite.com>
To: <pianotech@ptg.org>
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 3:15 PM
Subject: Re: (Fwd) International Convention?

> At 11:34 AM 7/25/01 -0600, Rob wrote:
> >Sorry, but one point hasn't really been addressed in the fracas:
> Actually, I think it has, though perhaps not to your satisfaction, Rob.
> >OK, great, so is this truly 'International' convention going to be
> >held in different countries so that we can all have a turn at hosting?
> So far it's been held in both Canada and the United states, which are two
> different countries if I correctly remember my geography classes.
> Considering most other countries don't have enough "local" RPTs to form a
> chapter yet let alone put on a large convention I suspect that North
> America is "it" be default.
> >And can afford to attend using local currency? No? National it is
> >then....
> That's a different question. I was able to afford to go to Reno (a
> different country from mine) only because I had quit smoking for 100 days.
> I met members there from a half-dozen other countries so International it
> With the loosening of the AmeriCanadian border lately perhaps we may see
> the  International convention here in Calgary again in the near future.
> Until members can be "beamed" from place to place I suspect the convention
> will be held somewhere in North America just for the convenience, though
> there's been talk of one in Hawaii. That one *will* be expensive!
>                  John
> John Musselwhite, RPT    -     Calgary, Alberta Canada
> http://www.musselwhite.com  http://canadianpianopage.com/calgary
> mailto: john@musselwhite.com    http://www.mp3.com/fatbottom

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