Kawai parts

Brian Trout grandrestorations@yahoo.com
Wed, 25 Jul 2001 15:30:19 -0700 (PDT)

Have been working on a Kawai GE-2 grand
(5'6"?)piano that's been urinated on in the
extreme.  Thankfully, it has a polyester finish
and has held up well under rough conditions. 
Many other pianos wouldn't be doing as well.

I've done well in my attempts to clean it up (so
far) but my efforts on the castors are not going
so well.

Anybody know a good source for these?  I looked
in the usual catalogs but didn't find what I was
looking for.  Anybody know how hard it is to buy
parts direct from Kawai? 

Any address, phone number or advice is certainly



Brian Trout
Grand Restorations
3090 Gause Blvd., #202
Slidell, LA  70461

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