Strange screw heads

David Boyce
Sat, 28 Jul 2001 18:50:58 +0100

Hi folks,

I wonder if anyone (in the UK?) has come across action screws like these? 
I tuned for a new customer yesterday, an old straight-strung upright, circa
1920, pretty standard cheap quality English upright.  I took the action
out, and noticed that the flange screws had odd heads.  
I pride myself on having every kind of screwdriver - flat, Philips, Torx,
Hex, Pozidrive, Security Torx etc.  These screws, however, had heads with
SQUARE holes.  Looked like Hex heads at first, but square.  A new one on

Best regards,


P.S. I got one out using just an ordinary flat screwdriver placed
diagonally in the hole.

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